Now, that means I caught up with the old movie & I still have to watch the new edition-28 weeks later. The Movie 28 days later is about new kind of a Virus called Rage virus which has gripped whole of UK & infected people to indulge in Violent acts, basically mindless Violence. The movie starts with some Animal rights activist entering a Chimpanzee Research Lab, where these animals are infused with Rage Virus, what happens later is that entire Queen's land is infected by this Virus & People start killing People. Best Shot in the Movie I liked is the Digital Recreation of London without a single Soul on its face. What would you feel if you are all alone in a huge city? The movie's different & watch able. I would like to go ahead and watch 28 weeks later also, maybe next week. So what would be next after 28 days, 28 weeks later? 28 Months & 28 years coming your way?
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