The Admiral's daughter
Posted by steve at 07:42 pm on July 2nd, 2005.
I was not so keen in reading this particular novel (The admiral’s daughter by Victoria fyodorova) but since I had lots of time few months back before exams I thought I shall complete reading The Admiral’s daughter, I had asked one of my classmates to get me any book to read and she got me this novel. First thing I thought was that there was a movie named after the novel? But that was The General’s Daughter, starring John travolta, it was about the rape & murder of this lady who was the general’s daughter. Anyway I thought this novel might be the source of that movie but when I read the cover summary it was a different story. its written by Victoria fyodorova and its her story about herself,her mother and her search for her real father, Jackson tate and a first hand description of Russia under the communist regime.i don’t know why I am writing about this novel but I liked the story of this lady. since it was a non-fiction I liked to know what happened to this person?
it’s a well narrated story and a gory description of the War.
I think I took about 3 weeks time to finish it on and off!
Its my first non-fiction novel which I have read.the following are the incerpts from the internet about Victoria and her novel mainly from google directed links. if any one have read this novel I invite them to add their views and if they have any further information about Victoria fyodorova can be shared.

Delacorte press (1979.372 pages)
Fyodorova was the child of American naval officer Jackson Tate and Russian actress Zoya Fyodorova, from a brief affair at the end of World War II. When she was a year old her mother was imprisoned and baby Victoria was raised in exile by her aunt for the next eight years.
When the young Russian actress found the American father she had never known, it seemed like the happy ending to a Hollywood scenario. “The Love That Conquered the Kremlin” and “Admiral Meets Love Child” blazed the headlines in thousands of newspapers around the world. But the full story, as Victoria Fyodorova tells it, was far more complex. The product of a brief affair between naval officer Jackson Tate and Zoya Fyodorova, one of Russia’s most beloved movie stars, Victoria (named for V-E Day, when she was conceived) was a year old when her mother was imprisoned and she was raised in exile for the next eight years by her aunt. Following her reunion with her mother, Victoria grew up to follow in her footsteps by studying acting. But she always wanted to find the father she had never known.
She rejoined her mother on her release and followed her footsteps into film.Victoria fyodorova has appeared in two American films: Target (1985) and Crime and Punishment (1970) and in the television series MacGyver (1986). She also has a career as a hand painter of fine furniture.
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